Gcore launches new AI cloud cluster

1 min read

Gcore, a provider of cloud and edge solutions, has strengthened its global infrastructure with the launch of a new AI Cloud cluster in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

With more companies building Artificial Intelligence applications, investing in the infrastructure required to host such applications often proves a roadblock to development. Gcore’s AI Cloud is an AI-Infrastructure-as-a-Service, that will provide even smaller companies with the IT resources needed to develop AI but with less investment and minimal technical set-up.

“We are excited to be the cloud provider which is building the first European AI infrastructure. With our British partner Graphcore, we’re making it easier to integrate innovations for all kinds of businesses, small or large. Our second AI Cloud cluster is an important step in this journey”, commented Andre Reitenbach, CEO of Gcore.

Gcore’s AI Cloud has been built with Graphcore's IPUs (Intelligence Processing Units), a completely new processor specifically designed for AI computing and Machine Learning processing. These processors are twice as powerful as regular central processing units (CPUs). The IaaS model means this hardware is now available for businesses of all sizes - speciality AI hardware, previously only available to enterprise companies, can be rented by a start-up on as little as a per-minute basis.

Alongside Gcore’s existing cluster in Luxembourg, the new cloud will allow enterprises to accelerate their AI and Machine Learning development across Western Europe. Gcore, which has already built a global cloud presence in over fifteen locations around the globe, said that it plans on further expanding the locations of its AI Cloud in the future.

Gcore cloud services will enable teams to better manage requirements like setup, technical infrastructure, storage and security. The AI cloud also gives enterprises access to software tools and integrations to support work involving ML and AI such as TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Hugging Face, Paddle and ONNX.