Europractice offering access to Pragmatic’s flexible integrated circuit foundry services through imec

1 min read

Europractce Multi-Project Wafer (MPW) services is to offer flexible integrated circuit fabrication from Pragmatic Semiconductor, the UK company headquartered in Cambridge.

Within the Europractice consortium, imec will be the partner that provides customers with access to Pragmatic’s technologies and technical support.

Pragmatic uses thin-film transistor (TFT) technology combined with conventional semiconductor processing equipment to offer flexible integrated circuits (FlexICs) with dramatically reduced fabrication times.

Commenting Dr Francesca Bottacchi, Pragmatic’s Account Manager, Foundry, said, “We are delighted to offer our FlexIC foundry services to Europractice customers. Our rapid cycle time takes designs from tape-out to delivery in around six weeks, empowering customers to drastically reduce product development time, perform early end-user testing, and accelerate time to market. The physical flexibility of our IC also enables novel use cases that are simply not possible with conventional silicon chips.”

Dr Maria Martinez Valado, Program Manager at imec, said, “At Europractice, we have always been committed to supporting the innovation efforts of European academia and SMEs, and we are glad to continue this mission by incorporating Pragmatic’s FlexIC technology into our technology portfolio. This further strengthens our ability to provide our customers access to cutting-edge technologies, and reinforces our dedication to fostering innovation in Europe.”

Europractice is a consortium of research organisations that provides European industry and academia with a platform to develop electronic circuits and systems.