Environmental benefits of ssds

By reducing the cells in notebooks, the equivalent of 231million notebook batteries could be saved by solid state disks (ssds) in three years, according to market analyst iSuppli.

The report states that by using the flash memory based solutions in a typical notebook pc, the same battery life can be achieved with four cells instead of the normal six. On this basis, if all 250million notebook pcs set to be shipped in 2013 used ssds, it would be the equivalent of saving 80million batteries. Similarly, if 693million notebooks forecasted to be shipped between 2011 and 2013 used ssds, 231million batteries could be saved in just three years. However, iSuppli believes that consumers are currently wary of ssds due to the upfront costs compared to traditional hard drives, particularly in the current economic climate. Therefore, it does not expect ssd adoption of greater than 10% in notebooks until 2012.