Array addresses high efficiency, high power needs

Vicor's Brick Business Unit has launched the VI Brick BCM Array, a high efficiency, high power device that provides isolation and conversion from 380V to 12 or 48V for low voltage distribution near the point of load.

According to Andy Gales, vp of international sales for the business unit, the device is likely to find application in blade computing systems, where companies are looking to power boards directly from a 380V supply, rather than use intermediate stages. But the parts can also be used in applications that require high efficiency, high power density, improved thermal management, low noise, fast transient response and overall design flexibility. The array integrates two Vicor VI Chips in a robust vertical package that supports efficient thermal management and minimises board space requirements. Available devices support nominal inputs of 384V and 352V, with outputs voltages of 11, 12, 44 and 48V dc. Power densities of up to 290W/in3 are claimed and the company says models with output power up to 650W will be introduced.