u blox launches NINA-B3, its full-featured Bluetooth 5 module

u blox has launched a full Bluetooth 5 compliant NINA-B3 wireless MCU (microcontroller unit) module.

Featuring Bluetooth low energy long range connectivity, high data transfer rates and supporting Bluetooth mesh and 802.15.4, the NINA B3 is able to support a variety of applications including smart lighting systems, industrial sensor networks, asset tracking solutions, and building automation systems.

Based on Nordic Semiconductor’s nRF52840 chip, the u blox NINA B3 Bluetooth low energy module comes in two variants.

The NINA B31, comes pre-flashed with u-blox’s Connectivity Software, eliminating the need for embedded programming. u blox’s proprietary secure boot also ensures that security needs are met, even for critical industrial and medical applications.

The second variant, NINA B30, gives customers a broader scope of application thanks to Bluetooth mesh and Thread support as well as access to a whole host of wired and wireless interfaces. Its Cortex M4F microcontroller can run advanced applications right on the module, reducing external hardware needs and, ultimately, shrinking end device size and cutting costs.

The NINA B3 is available with a highly sensitive internal antenna specifically designed for the module’s small form factor, achieving optimal radio range performance even in small end product designs.

Pin compatibility with the other u blox NINA short-range communication modules limits design effort for product developers developing multiple device variants, e.g. featuring only Wi Fi or Bluetooth connectivity.