NMI creates design advisory board

1 min read

The National Microelectronics Institute (NMI) has created a Design Advisory Board to oversee its development of strategy and implementation plans for the semiconductor design community.

"Design in the UK is at the leading edge and NMI members are providing technologies for many of the world's most iconic products," said John Morr, the NMI's vp of design innovation. "The design excellence and diverse innovation that takes place here is something the UK can be rightly proud of and it's the NMI's job to help it to proliferate. With more than 50 of our members now directly involved in world class design activity, the time is right to create a dedicated design advisory board to help the industry shape its own future." The Advisory Board – tasked with reviewing and agreeing national priorities for the semiconductor design sector and to help in the formation of related strategy and NMI implementation plans – is representative of the NMI's membership. Chairing the advisory board's inaugural meeting was Steve Neill, technical director of Infineon Technologies. He said: "From our first meeting, it's clear the advisory board has the senior level clout to be able to represent the many diverse interests of semiconductor design. Through this collaboration, we aim to reach consensus on major issues affecting UK based design activity and to recommend strategy and action plans to help ensure the long term prosperity of the design sector as a whole."