LeCroy scopes to support 60GHz analogue bandwidth
1 min read
LeCroy says it has successfully demonstrated the sixth generation of it digital bandwidth interleave (DBI) technology in its New York laboratories. The latest generation of the technology will use new front end chips to provide lower noise and higher native bandwidths.

By combining new silicon and improved DBI techniques, LeCroy believes it can produce low noise digital oscilloscopes with true analogue bandwidths up to 60GHz, doubling the capabilities of its current bandwidth performance.
"We continue to be impressed with the market demand for our high bandwidth oscilloscopes," said LeCroy's president and ceo Tom Reslewic. "Design engineers working with high speed serial data links are faced with enormous challenges to ensure that designs achieve targeted levels of performance. Recently, there has been a marked increase in design activity and interest in very high speed applications, such as 100Gbit Ethernet. These applications are driving the development of oscilloscopes with increasingly higher bandwidths."
The first products to use the new technology will provide four simultaneous channels with 45GHz real time bandwidth.
LeCroy says its WaveMaster 8 Zi two channel 30GHz oscilloscopes, pictured, are currently the highest bandwidth solutions available.