Meet your maker

1 min read

How collaboration with the contract manufacturer early in the design process can be a relationship made in heaven. By Mike Richardson.

Outsourcing manufacturing is growing trend. Whether it’s a make versus buy, or even a make or break decision, today’s contract electronics manufacturers (cems) can make your day by providing potential cost savings and faster time to market solutions through designing for outsourced manufacturing. This requires the engagement of the cem to deliver a complete system, subsystem, finished component or set of engineering services. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly if you consider the labour of love invested into your precious design in the first place. A collaborative approach between the oem and cem early during the design phase can help to iron out unforeseen production wobbles that can sometimes result in product recalls. In this case, an early bird catches the problem. But how can the cem help the oem to put real production flesh on a design’s conceptual bones and bring it to market as quickly and efficiently as possible?