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1 min read

How engineering management software tools help to keep everyone singing from the same song sheet. By Mike Richardson.

Are you faced with managing a flood of information from an ever expanding supply chain? Time to market windows measured in weeks not months? Losing track of your latest design iterations? Streams of paperwork and administration to wade through when all you want to do is just get on with the job you’re supposed to do: design and manufacture products? Make it easy on yourself. Sophisticated electronics data interchange now offers an integral connection to an engineering database management system (edms) by interfacing with other mcad and ecad formats. This enables the slick transfer of information to provide an ideal environment for working with many employees and suppliers so that they all stay on the same page. Smart companies are increasingly using these management processes to select the right solution from the very beginning of the design process. They’ve embraced the fact that once a new design reaches manufacturing, product and transformation costs are mostly fixed. By providing designer access to enterprise and supply chain data earlier in the process, product designers can make informed decisions, and as a result, enjoy faster time to market, lower product cost, fewer regulatory compliance issues and improved quality and manufacturability.