Are you ready to get started with the MSP430? This hands-on workshop is intended to educate the mcu designer on the capabilities of the MSP430 and learn first hand how to use them.
You will experience embedded design with the MSP430, get familiar with an MSP430 development environment, learn where to find and how to use resources and better understand the MSP430 low-power concept.
The course is perfect for those getting started or need a refresher on MSP430. Basic experience with general mcus and knowledge of assembler and C language programming is assumed.
Workshop Cost: €195.00 (excl. VAT)
Price includes a take-home USB FET tool (MSP-FET430UIF) and Experimenter's Board (MSP-EXP430FG5438)
1. Introduction to the MSP430F5xx
• Lab: Setting up the Software and Hardware
2. 5xx Active and Low Power Mode Operation
• Lab: Learn and understand how two key modules (PMM & UCS) achieve ultra low power operation
3. A Mixed-Signal Application Example
• Lab: Brute-Force Temperature Sampling with the ADC12_A
4. Using Hardware Timers to Conserve Power
• Lab: Brute-Force Temperature Sampling using timing interrupts
5. A Fully-optimized ADC12 Routine
• Lab: Fully Automated ADC12 Routine
6. MSP430 Tools, Resources and Conclusion
Register here.