Ofcom’s Wi-Fi app doesn’t get an enthusiatic reception

1 min read

Most of us despair at times – some more regularly than others – at the speed of our Wi-Fi connection. Usually, just when you need a fast and reliable download, circumstances conspire to make sure the opposite happens.

Now Ofcom – the communications regulator – has released an app that tell you if your network isn’t set up as well as it could be. Apparently, the app runs two tests – I would have liked to ‘road test’ it, but it’s only available for Android and iPhones, not my Windows phone.

According to Ofcom, the app runs a ‘series of tests and measurements’, including performance and diagnostics. If there is a significant drop in performance between your broadband connection and your home Wi-Fi network, it notes, the App will identify this and provide tips to help you fix problems you may have.

Early user reviews aren’t entirely convincing. One reviewer said he wasn’t sure if the app tested anything. Another reported that his system was failed by the Ofcom app, even though his own test showed no data loss and only a 6ms delay. Another user deemed the app ‘pointless’.

Meanwhile, Ofcom has provided some Wi-Fi related troubleshooting tips, including moving your router away from electrical devices, moving it to another part of your home and even restarting it, in the hope it selects a less busy channel.

But here’s the best suggestion; improve your Wi-Fi performance by using an Ethernet cable.