Marvin Test Solutions expands PXI FPGA product line

Marvin Test Solutions has announced the release of the new GX3756 Series Digital I/O Instrument.

The FPGA-based GX3756 delivers 56 channels of TTL logic compatible I/O, segmented into fourteen, four channel groups, in a high-performance 3U PXI hybrid slot compatible instrument. Each I/O channel can be accessed utilizing read/write register commands and each group of four TTL outputs can be either enabled or tri-stated. The GX3756 is comprised of the GX3700 FPGA carrier card and an I/O daughter card - the FPGA may be modified by customers to create customer-specific functions.

Four of the 56 TTL outputs can be configured to deliver 30 bit, 1 kHz serial data streams, while connector/cable identification is supported with three connector ID bits, further enhancing the utility of this card. TTL input overvoltage protection ensures safe, reliable operation, and output state monitoring with the readback function provides the ability to verify programmed operation.

The GX3756 Series is supplied with GxFPGA, a software package that includes a virtual instrument panel, and a Windows 32/64-bit DLL driver and documentation. Interface files are provided to support access to programming tools and languages such as ATEasy, LabVIEW, C/C++, Microsoft C# and Visual Basic.Net. A Linux driver is also provided with the GtLinux software package.