Xilinx acquires embedded Linux specialist PetaLogix
In a move to strengthen its All Programmable solutions for SoC designs, Xilinx has acquired embedded Linux provider PetaLogix.

The two companies have previously worked together to create a Linux distribution for the MicroBlaze and PowerPC processors, and more recently a Linux distribution and tool chain for the Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC.
"With their technology, tool set and expertise, the PetaLogix team is uniquely positioned to help Xilinx further shorten time to market and aggressively drive growth in the embedded space, and across all key vertical market segments we serve," commented Tomas Evensen, chief scientist for embedded software at Xilinx.
PetaLinux SDK, the flagship product of PetaLogix, is an embedded Linux solution based on proprietary technology that was developed and purchased from the University of Queensland.