Wind River's Simics offers enhanced cybersecurity

2 mins read

Wind River has announced the release of its latest version of Wind River Simics.

Using virtual platforms that can model actual hardware more accurately, Simics allows functional simulation of any size system, from chips to the most complex system of systems, and creates a path for embedded developers to develop their continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices and develop a DevOps culture.

The release incorporates performance improvements and tool enhancements to increase security, and it offers greater insight into active simulations to better help developers understand how their solution uses system resources.

These enhancements allow embedded developers to enable a DevOps approach that facilitates the development, testing, and delivery of their products faster than ever before. In addition to being able to deliver better quality products faster, simulation with Simics enables much more comprehensive security testing.

“Simics helps our customers adopt CI/CD practices for embedded development, resulting in increased product quality and accelerated time-to-market, and it facilitates the adoption of a DevOps culture,” explained Michel Genard, VP of Product, Wind River. “Furthermore, customers have recognized Simics to have the best cyber test bench for simulating an unlimited number of attack vectors, significantly reducing security vulnerability exposure.”

New features include:

Greater performance: Benchmark testing demonstrated 20% performance improvement in simulation times due to an improved third-generation thread scheduler, better memory allocation, and enhancements around the integration and execution of SystemC components.

Easier model definition: New enhancements make it easier to build and maintain new models. Enhancements include DML language-level updates and first-class support for hierarchical objects, which enables easier integration of SystemC modules.

New target consoles: Additional new consoles for Simics models provide even greater system insight and simulation control options.

Updated instrumentation framework: Instrumentation tools have been overhauled to make it easier to write and maintain tools that inspect and collect information on the execution of the target system.

Tools modernisation: An upgraded set of supporting tools and APIs makes it easier for developers to integrate Simics into their CI/CD practices or security testing infrastructure, and to maintain that integration in the future.

Simics has been developed to provide the access, automation, and collaboration required to implement DevOps and agile development and to continuously deliver improved software, faster. By eliminating the need for physical hardware (and its limitations) during development, simulation using virtual models can accelerate development and transform the way that businesses operate.

Developers can conduct automated testing much sooner in the development cycle and perform both testing and debugging during design and prototyping phases.

All team members have unlimited access to virtual hardware, allowing new ways of working and improved collaboration throughout the entire lifecycle. Ultimately, developers can improve product quality and security while also dramatically reducing the risks of shipping late and running over budget.