Tek claims ‘leading bandwidth’ for latest scopes
1 min read
Tektronix has used IBM's 8HP SiGe process to create three asics that support what it claims to be an oscilloscope with the industry's 'leading bandwidth and sampling rate'.

The DPO/DSA70000D – referring to digital phosphor oscilloscope and digital signal analyser respectively – feature real time sampling rates of up to 100Gsample/s on two channels and an analogue bandwidth of 33GHz on four channels.
Brian Reich, general manager of Tektronix' scopes channel team, said that high speed communications, wideband rf and serial bandwidth were driving test requirements in the comms world. "The main figure of merit has always been bandwidth," he commented, "but there are more aspects involved, including faster digitisers and lower noise and jitter."
The DPO/DSA70000D features new triggering and analysis capabilities, as well as upgraded probing. Key to performance is a multichip module (MCM) front end which houses the three asics. "The largest of these," Reich continued, "is a 100GHz sample and hold." The other two asics are preamps, driven by the 33GHz input channels. Performance is also enhanced by direct connection of inputs to the MCM, which avoids signals having to travel across pcb traces.
Tektronix also claims an equivalent time sampling rate of 10Tsample/s and Reich said this is '50 times better than anyone else'.
Four versions of the scope will be available: the 33GHz DPO73304D and the DSA73304D; and the 25GHz DPO72504D and DSA72504D.