The library now includes more than 10,000 new models from a range of leading suppliers, including C&K Switches, ON Semiconductor and ROHM Semiconductor.
RS first launched PCB Part Library in 2017 in conjunction with SamacSys, a supplier of PCB schematic symbols and footprints. The library is designed to offer fast and easy access to component models and save PCB designers and electronics engineers from the time-consuming and potentially error-prone task of having to create part libraries manually.
“PCB Part Library helps engineers by removing the need to source and create models and footprints from scratch, enabling them to focus on their overall design,” said Mike Bray, Vice President of DesignSpark. “RS recognised this need and we have worked closely with SamacSys to create the PCB Part Library solution. Our pioneering partnership has helped revolutionise the way that engineers access models for their designs. By leveraging our strong relationships with suppliers we have been able to further enhance the range of models available."
The schematic symbols and footprints in the PCB Part Library can be used in all leading PCB design software packages, including the free-for-download DesignSpark PCB tool, says RS.
The PCB Part Library is available here, or via the RS component search engine here.
RS announces extension of schematic and footprint parts library
1 min read
RS Components has extended its PCB Part Library, which delivers direct access to schematic symbols and footprints for PCB design.