Real time virtual machine supports multicore ARM processors

Tool supplier Atego has released Aonix Perc Ultra SMP 5.4, featuring new support for concurrent multiprocessor Garbage Collection (GC) technology on ARM multicore processors. The package enables symmetrical multiprocessor (SMP) based Java applications to execute efficiently in embedded ARM processor based systems
"Atego extended the Aonix Perc Ultra SMP line to include ARM processors based on customer demand," said James Gambrell, executive chairman. "Having already demonstrated success with its non SMP version of Perc Ultra in a number of deployed systems, such as in flight entertainment and cabin management systems and a shipboard defence control application, our customers were anxious to move to multicore functionality. With this SMP version, Atego is pleased to fulfill the customer demand in such an exciting growth market."

Aonix Perc Ultra SMP 5.4 supports multicore ARM processors, including the ARM Cortex-A9. Initial testing of the port was done using a four core ARM processor running Linux. In addition to the enhanced concurrent GC technology and multi core ARM capability, the product supports AWT/Swing libraries for embedded platforms, giving graphics developers the opportunity to download community projects. AWT (Abstract Window ToolKit), a portable GUI library for standalone applications and/or applets, provides the connection between a Java application and the native GUI. Swing, meanwhile, implements a set of GUI components that build on AWT technology and provide a pluggable look and feel. Ian Rickards, product manager with ARM's processor division, said: "Having an advanced real time virtual machine with the ability to effectively scale across ARM multicore systems opens exciting new opportunities."