Plessey EPIC sensor samples now available
1 min read
Plessey Semiconductors has announced that commercial samples of its Electric Potential Integrated Circuit (EPIC) sensors</a> are now available.

The sensor is a completely new area of technology that measures changes in an electric field in a similar way to a magnetometer detecting changes in a magnetic field. According to the semiconductor specialist, the products are optimised for use as an ECG sensor and provide a resolution as good as or better than conventional electrodes.
The EPIC sensors are dry contact so that no gels or similar fluids are required to make contact and can be cleaned between uses - unlike conventional ECG sensors that have to be disposed of after every use. Unlike the current approach, that requires seven or more leads to be applied to specific locations on a patient's body, just one pair of sensors is required.
As detection is possible through clothes or at a distance, this paves the way for new methods of taking ECG measurements, such as incorporating the sensors into stretchers, or built into clothing. Requiring minimal power, the EPIC sensors could also be used for ECD monitoring over a longer period than currently possible.
Derek Rye, marketing manager at Plessey Semiconductor, said: "The first EPIC products are designed for ECG applications for health and patient monitoring as well as fitness and wellness applications. The next release products available later in this quarter will be optimised for movement sensing where applications range from security, to automotive, to safety through to gesture recognition applications. The gesture recognition capability has been picked up for controller-less gaming and the remote control of electronic consumer products like televisions, monitors and computers. We are working on end applications where the potential volumes are in millions per month. This is all very exciting for the company."
The sensor is available in two package formats, the PS25101 and PS25201.