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NAND flash shortage reported in Q1

A surge in demand for low end smartphones in China pushed the nand flash market to growth - and shortages - during the first quarter of this year, according to IHS.

After a discouraging 2012 and a consequent reduction in nand supply, IHS says memory manufacturers were not prepared when a shortage in nand occurred starting in Q1. Even more surprising was the fact that demand prolonged into Q2, thrusting the industry into an uncharacteristic position of shortage. IHS believes the current nand shortage could extend to most of the second half this year, with the dearth lifting only at the beginning of Q4. However, this is expected to depend on the fortunes of the dwindling pc market. "With pcs failing to generate much interest among consumers, even the strength of the mobile space may not be enough to prevent the nand flash market from swinging into oversupply in Q4," the company said in a statement.