imec, Qualcomm to work on future scaling of cmos technologies
1 min read
imec and Qualcomm Technologies have extended a collaboration agreement in order to accelerate the scaling of technologies for logic and memory devices.

Under the terms of the agreement, Qualcomm Technologies – imec's first fabless partner – will gain comprehensive insights into all advanced process technologies under investigation at imec to help shape future product roadmaps.
"We continue to invest heavily into technology leadership, which includes advanced semiconductor technologies," said Jim Thompson, executive vice president of engineering at Qualcomm Technologies. "We have collaborated with imec on the 3d stacking program for the last four years and we look forward to expanding our engagement to include cmos research and the new mram program."
Luc Van den hove, pictured, imec's president, added: "Strong collaboration between foundries, IDMs, fabless and fablite companies, packaging and assembly companies and equipment and material suppliers plays a critical role in pushing forward the development of innovative solutions.
"A true win-win situation, we are confident our new broadened collaboration agreement with Qualcomm will continue to pay dividends in the future."