Embedded World 2013: 8bit apps targeted with lowest power, lowest cost RX mcu

Renesas Electronics Europe is expanding the RX family to target 8bit applications. The RX100 range will boast the lowest power consumption and lowest cost of any Renesas parts.

RX100 series MCUs will be manufactured on a 130nm low power process. Capable of running at up to 32MHz, the devices will offer 1.56DMIPS/MHz and consume 110µA/MHz in full active mode. Speaking to New Electronics at Embedded World, Bernd Westhoff, principal mcu marketing engineer, said the RX100 range would bring 32bit benefits to 8bit applications. "We're focusing on creating the lowest power consumption and being aggressive on price." Target applications will include battery powered devices, such as medical and sensor products. Devices are being planned with flash ranging from 8k to 128kbyte, with mass production expected later in 2013. However, Westhoff said a number of RX100 product groups would announced beforehand.