East Kilbride Centre of Excellence is start of ‘something big’
1 min read
Freescale has formally opened its Research and Development Centre of Excellence (CoE) in East Kilbride.

The facility employs more than 170 people, mainly developing products for the company's global automotive customers. However, a significant part of the team is also focused on the networking and industrial markets.
"The East Kilbride team has been key to our success in establishing a strong and established legacy in the automotive market and the creation of the new CoE recognises this valuable contribution," said Alan Campbell, Freescale's chief financial officer, pictured. He said the Centre of Excellence would be the 'start of something very significant'. "I have tremendous pride in the East Kilbride facility," he said, "The centre has the confidence of the US team and is seen to have credibility," he continued.
Steve Wainwright, general manager for EMEA, added:"customer expectations are increasing and they expect Freescale to react accordingly. They want complete solutions and they want a high level of understanding." East Kilbride, he noted, also has industrial and networking skills and he believes the blend of these areas of expertise will help to create new opportunities.
Campbell concluded. "It's where the CoE is going that's important. Europe has technology leadership in automotive and the relationships and expertise which this team has gives it a solid foundation."
Currently, automotive represents 37% of Freescale's global revenues, followed by industrial with a 26% share.