Digital wideband VGAs feature signal support up to 4GHz

1 min read

NXP Semiconductors has released the BGA7204 and BGA7210 6bit digital variable gain amplifiers (VGAs), designed for high linearity, low noise and low power consumption across a wide frequency band.

The company says the BGA7210 is the only device of its kind capable of working as a VGA up to 4GHz without external matching. Both devices feature NXP's smart routing lead design, which the company says simplifies pcb placement and reduces the footprint of the device by 25%. Kees Schetters, director of marketing, wireless infrastructure at NXP, said: "By enabling easier signal routing connections, reducing footprint, and supporting platforms with multiple frequency ranges, we're offering an extremely flexible solution that gives our customers a significant competitive advantage in their infrastructure designs." The VGAs are optimised to ensure incoming signal is always at optimum strength by compensating for any degradation caused by changes in temperature. By controlling the power level to the power amplifier, the VGAs also help compensate for variations in cell load and the presence of aging infrastructure equipment. Additional features include a power save mode that NXP says can reduce the current consumption in TDD systems up to 45%.