Alloy set to replace gold in connector applications
A Swedish company has developed a metal alloy that offers conductivity and resistance to wear and corrosion properties similar to gold, but which costs significantly less. Called Silver MaxPhase , the alloy is claimed to be a 'substantially better' environmental choice than gold plating.

"We want to challenge the idea that gold plating is the only option for electrical contacts. An average mobile phone, for instance, has five to ten connectors that could be coated with Silver MaxPhase," says Henrik Ljungcrantz, ceo of Impact Coatings.
The coating is qualified to the IEC60512 and IEC60068 standards for low voltage and low contact force connectors that are normally gold plated, such as battery and I/O connectors for mobile phones. Silver MaxPhase has the potential to be used for a range of connectors and other components, the company adds.