Acquisition enables 'strongest level of internet security solutions'
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CertiVox, an information security company specialising in data encryption, has acquired Shamus Software, creator of the MIRACL cryptographic library.

MIRACL (Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++ Library) is used by developers in the defence, embedded and mobile systems industries to build secure 'number-theoretic cryptography' into hardware and applications. It is currently in use at more than 100 of the world's leading corporations including Microsoft, Siemens and Samsung. As a result of the acquisition, Shamus Software's ceo, Dr Michael Scott, pictured, will join CertiVox as chief cryptographer. He will also serve as the director of CertiVox Laboratories, a Dublin based centre of excellence that aims to promote innovation in the field of elliptic curve and pairing based cryptography.
CertiVox says that by combining its encryption key management service with Shamus Software's MIRACL crypto technology will enable any cloud service provider, independent software vendor or communications provider to now offer end to end encrypted voice and data communications as value added services to their customers. According to CertiVox, this is possible by using the key management interoperability protocol and adds that it is the only company offering this technology.
The MIRACL library is an elliptic curve cryptography toolkit designed for building strong security in embedded, constrained systems and enterprise applications. It offers more than 20 ECC protocols to provide the security through smaller, more efficient keys that require less computing power and battery resource usage.
Dr Scott said: "With these combined technologies, CertiVox now provides the strongest level of security solutions on the market today for all things Internet. CertiVox's technology portfolio, including its certificateless encryption and MIRACL toolkit, solves the fundamental problems of secure cloud computing and enables enterprises to now manage and control their encryption keys with a cloud based service."
Brian Spector, CertiVox ceo, added: "In the age of the advanced persistent threat, end to end data encryption is a must have, and business and consumer users are now demanding it not just for email but for all things Internet. Simple, swift and secure information exchange starting from the point of creation and ending with the point of delivery is the only way to unleash the full promise of cloud computing, which in turn creates a level playing field in today's global marketplace and protects business and individual privacy. It's not enough just to have the technology to arm electronic devices for all things Internet with strong cryptography. Businesses also need to have an effective way to manage all the keys as the number of their devices grows exponentially. CertiVox provides that solution by combining leading encryption enabling capabilities with simplified key management technology to deliver unique, cutting edge cryptographic innovations for enterprise cloud computing."