8bit mcus feature integrated temperature sensor
Silicon Laboratories has launched a family of 8bit microcontrollers featuring an integrated temperature sensor. Offering a mix of integrated analogue peripherals and an 8051 cpu, the C8051F39x/7x family is said to provide an optimal solution for optical transceiver modules, sensor interfaces and brushless dc motor applications.

The company says many consumer and industrial applications require highly accurate temperature sensors to adjust for behaviour shifts with temperature for on board components such as sensors, lasers or power sources.
The sensor in the C8051F39x/7x family provides an accuracy of ±2°C over temperatures of up to 105°C without the need for calibration. This is said to be five times more accurate than competitive devices.
The family also features improved temperature compensation routines and devices are said not to need factory calibration.
More than 30% smaller than competing solutions, the mcus integrate such peripherals as a crystal, a differential a/d converter, a voltage reference and two d/a converters. The 8051 core runs at up to 50MIPS and supports finer resolution pulse width modulation.