Findlay Media announces the Embedded Design Show
3 mins read
The embedded sector continues to grow, pushed by economies of scale and pulled by the specialised expertise of engineers. A missing cog in the embedded engine has been a focused event for the sector. Tim Fryer reports on why this is no longer the case.

Last year saw the launch of the electronics design show to run alongside the Engineering Design Show that made its debut a year earlier. The formula was compelling – get the leading suppliers to exhibit an audience of the UK's top design engineers, throw in a design-focused conference programme and series technical workshops, and you have an event that works. It works because it provided a place where technical people met technical people, business was done, ideas and technical information were exchanged, and the industry emerged the stronger for it.
Embedded, but not too deeply, within these shows this year will be a new event, the Embedded Design Show. Still contained within the now bulging Ricoh Arena at Coventry, the combined event will use up all of the venue's 6000 square metres, and the fourth component of our event, Engineering Materials Live! will greet visitors in the atrium as we use every spare inch the venue has to offer.
Importantly there is still room for the some of the key components that make the event so relevant. Most particularly the main New Electronics conference programme will address issues of direct interest to the embedded sector as well as topics that will appeal across the whole electronics design industry.
A workshop theatre located within the Embedded Design Show will, however, host presentations that are technical, are application-based and look to provide attendees a combination of solutions and latest technical options. All will be dedicated to the embedded sector. Details of the conference and workshop programmes will be announced nearer the time.
John Macmichael, managing director of Solid State Supplies, is positive about the new event: "As one of very few niche distributors supporting the UK embedded sector we welcome the arrival of this new event focused on embedded design. The embedded sector continues to show strong growth for Solid State Supplies and with the acquisition of 2001 Electronic Components our focus on embedded solutions has grown significantly. Building and maintaining close relationships with customers and suppliers is still a vital part of the way we do business, and the show promises to provide a highly targeted environment for anyone involved in the UK embedded market to exchange ideas and knowledge, and to learn about the latest solutions on offer."
Ulrike Anderwald, who handles marketing communications for ams, believes the appeal of the show will be that it will take a comprehensive look at a dedicated sector. She commented: "As sensors and sensor interfaces have grown to represent 70% of ams' business, the embedded sector has become increasingly important for us. The embedded design show provides a great platform for us to showcase our sensor capabilities, specifically how we have combined innovative sensor solutions with NFC and RFID."
Christian Eder, Director Marketing of congatec AG, added: "Embedded computer modules have experienced significant growth over the past decade in UK markets such as gaming, medical, industrial and security. We are confident that the embedded design show will support our growth in the UK with new projects and customers."
Another exhibitor at the inaugural event will be Euroquartz, whose sales and marketing director Andy Treble commented: "With micro-processors being at the heart of most equipment, embedded solutions are an exciting growth area for us at the moment. The ability to modularise designs reduces the development time for new systems and frees engineers up to concentrate on the main function of the application. Our crystals and oscillators provide the timing clocks for the processors, which is an essential part of the system synchronisation."
Executive Director of Findlay Media, publisher of New Electronics and organiser of the Electronics and Embedded Design Shows, is Ed Tranter, who sees the arrival of the Embedded Design Show as a natural next step: "To get the quality right and to lay the foundations for a lasting event, we have taken it one step at a time, building on the show we have and listening to exhibitors, visitors and our magazine readers. The Embedded Design Show emerged as that obvious next step for us in 2014 as it complements and extends what we can offer electronics designers visiting the show. Embedded specialists will have both exhibitors and technical content specifically tailored for their interests, while sitting alongside the electronics design show to cater for the more general electronics issues that invariably invade the space of the embedded engineer."
Tranter continued: "Moreover, we are trying to develop a design engineering event that is good for UK design engineers and ultimately good for the UK. We see the embedded design show as another key ingredient in achieving that."
The Embedded Design Show will take place alongside the Engineering Design Show at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry between 22 and 23 October 2014.