Workshop: Substitution of critical raw materials
1 min read
Monday 16th September, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Workshop: Substitution of critical raw materials
CRM_InnoNet will hold its next project workshop on Monday 16th September in parallel with the Autumn European Materials Research Society meeting in Warsaw.
This free meeting will focus on the substitution of critical raw materials (CRMs) across three key European industry sectors:
• Electronics and ICT
• Energy
• Transport (Aerospace and Automotive)
The workshop aims to present a value chain analysis for the above sectors (which will then be validated) to identify next steps, and to map potential technologies which may act as substitutes.
The event is open to stakeholders from all parts of the value chain with an interest in critical raw materials and will be of particular interest to delegates from the energy, electronics and transport sectors.
Funding is available to support travel costs.
Details, schedule and registration is available here: