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UKEA Anti Counterfeiting Forum
2 mins read
As part of its strategy to help companies address the growing threat of counterfeit electronic components and following the success of its first seminar in October last year, the UK Electronics Alliance (UKEA) is organising a further seminar to be held on Wednesday 13th October at 1VS Conference Centre in London.

The threat is growing rapidly, both in volume and in complexity, as are the number of initiatives to counteract it. The UKEA says that this seminar aims to provide an update of the work being undertaken by various groups to combat the problem. Delegates new to this issue will get a greater insight into the problem and how to access current best practice and support to reduce the risk to their businesses.
Industry experts estimate that counterfeit electronic components entering the UK may be costing our industry as much as £1billion annually and the problem is growing. Many of the counterfeit components currently being detected are destined for safety critical systems but, regardless of their destination, the consequences of counterfeit components being built into electronic equipment could be catastrophic.
What's included?
The seminar is scheduled to run from 10.00am to 4.00pm with breaks for refreshments and a buffet lunch and, provisionally, will include presentations providing information on:
• The work being undertaken by the semiconductor industry to combat counterfeit semiconductors
• Initiatives being undertaken by distributors to improve security in the supply chain
• Current product and packaging security technologies and how they can be used in the electronic component supply chain to help combat counterfeits
• Work being undertaken to develop industry wide standards to enable a common approach to the problem
• Advice on counterfeit components and the law Issues and trends that will influence how the problem will affect the sector and how the sector will need to respond in the long term
There will also be an opportunity for delegates to raise questions and get further guidance and to participate in a discussion forum to discuss what further action needs to be taken and by whom.
How to get to the 1VS Conference Centre
The conference centre is at 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET
By road
Parking is available at Westminster City Council's car parks in Abingdon Street and on the south side of Trafalgar Square. Limited meter parking is also available in and around adjacent streets.
By London Underground
Both Westminster (Exit 6) on the District, Circle and Jubilee lines, and St James's Park on the District and Circle lines, are 5 minutes walk away.
By mainline train
London's mainline stations at Waterloo, Victoria and Charing Cross are approximately 15 minutes walk away.
Fee and terms
£95.00 per delegate for UK Electronics Alliance members, members of COG, Electronic Components Supply Network, Electronics Yorkshire, GAMBICA, Intellect, NMI and Welsh Electronics Forum, Electronics Leadership Council members and £120.00 for non members. Cheques must be drawn on a UK clearing bank in sterling and made payable to the UK Electronics Alliance Ltd. Alternatively payments may be made by BACS.
If paying by cheque, please return your completed registration form by post, together with your payment, to:
UK Electronics Alliance
The Old Forge
Rectory Lane
Kent TN16 1JS
If paying by BACS, please email your completed registration form to or post your form as above and send your payment to Barclays Bank, Sevenoaks branch sort code 20-76-55 account number 63207293 in the name of UK Electronics Alliance Ltd quoting your name followed by ''Anti Counterfeiting Forum'' as reference.
On receipt of your booking and payment, an acknowledgment and invoice receipt will be sent confirming your place.
For further information email