Web power

1 min read

As we head towards April, Christmas seems like a distant memory, but you may recall the not-so-seasonal number one single by Rage Against The Machine. The 2009 Christmas 'message' being, "We've had enough of the string of Christmas number ones produced by Simon Cowell."

The fact that both songs were released by the same record company meant that the real winner of the campaign was, of course, Sony – but it was a perfect example of how the web has the power to influence and inspire. The Vote Manufacturing Campaign has been established for anyone who has a vested interest in UK manufacturing at a time when politicians are finally realising that manufacturing is the key to a balanced and successful economy. The creation of an online petition to get the message to Downing Street is the most direct route to ensure the message is heard, but – like the RATM campaign – the petition relies on web users 'spreading the word'. Pledge your support by clicking the link below and adding your name to the list. Then pass on the link to as many forums, social networking sites, colleagues and friends as you can. With your help, it won't take long for the numbers to swell significantly. http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/findlaymnfng/