Explosions and broken noses as phone injuries surge

1 min read

As someone who has to navigate London and hordes of people glued to their smartphones on a daily basis it comes as no surprise, and not without a certain degree of smugness, to report that the hazards of using a smartphone include broken noses, cuts and even brain injuries as a result of using a phone.

A study by experts in the US has found that since we started to use smartphones injuries linked to mobile phones have shot up, both indirect and those caused by the devices themselves, for example, phones hitting someone in the face or the battery exploding.

According to the report’s authors, users should be more aware of the dangers of using their devices while attempting other activities. The report says there is a need for better education about how to prevent injuries from the phones themselves.

Has it come to this? People need to be taught that it’s inadvisable to walk around glued to their phones while navigating busy stretches of pavement or roads.

As the report highlights, “Nobody in their right mind would ever read a book while they are walking, why would they read an entire article on the phone while they are walking?” But they do, and thousands are being injured as a result.

I must admit I find it amazing that around the world cities and authorities are spending money to prevent people from hurting themselves, whether installing special stretches of walkway for phone users or, as in Salzburg, putting airbags on lampposts so that distracted mobile users don’t walk in to them.

When it comes to accidents cuts, bruises and internal organ injury – primarily traumatic brain injury – were among the most common problems.

So, phone users, be aware of the risks of using your mobile phone. Perhaps, and this is just an idea, try detaching yourself from your smartphone and engage with real people and the world around you! But be careful. You may find it hard to walk and talk at the same time!