Free ThreadX Trial—Most Popular Commercial-Grade RTOS

Download your free trial and start writing sample code in minutes. See how the RTOS manages execution with a view of our intuitive, documented code. With more than 2 billion units deployed, ThreadX from Express Logic is the industry’s most popular commercial-grade RTOS—and is pre-certified for safety-critical applications. ThreadX runs on all popular processors and tools. Choose yours!

With more than 2 Billion units deployed, ThreadX from Express Logic is the industry’s most popular commercial-grade RTOS and is pre-certified for safety-critical applications. Now you can try it yourself with our FREE trial.

Intuitive and Easy to Use

Building a ThreadX application is easy. Simply include the tx_api.h file in the application software and link the application objects with the ThreadX library. The resulting image is ready for execution – it’s that simple! If you’re used to in-house kernels or have had bad experiences with “black box” commercial RTOS products, ThreadX will be a welcome change.

Pre-Certified for the Most Demanding Safety-Critical Applications

ThreadX is the ideal choice for the most demanding embedded applications including medical devices, process control systems, industrial machinery, automobiles and railway control systems. With pre-certification by SGS-TÜV Saar, ThreadX can help you speed development of safety-critical software for the highest integrity levels of IEC 61508, IEC 62304 and ISO 26262. Even if your application doesn’t require certification, you get the assurance of robust, high-quality code.

Download your Free Trial and Get Started with ThreadX Today!

Our ThreadX free trial is available for all of the industry’s popular processors and tools. Simply download the demo software and fire up your development board. You can be actively writing application code to the RTOS in a matter of minutes.

Get your free trial – download now!