Static analysis engine targets multi core and multi threaded applications

A new programme analysis engine designed to identify data race conditions and other concurrency defects has been introduced by GrammaTech.

The engine, which is being incorporated into the company's CodeSonar static analysis tool, eliminates serious defects that commonly plague multi core applications. The resulting analysis pinpoints such problems without testing, which the company claims reduces development costs and lowers the risk of defects slipping into production. The analysis can also be applied to multi threaded applications running on a single processor. Paul Anderson, GrammaTech's vice president of engineering, commented: "The analysis is designed to catch the type of concurrency problems that are the most difficult for developers. It creates an abstract model of what locks are held by what threads and considers possible interleavings. By automating this process, it finds situations in which code is susceptible to problematic interleavings, which developers can miss through manual analysis." The technology is compatible with a range of compilers, including ARM RealView, CodeWarrior, GCC, G++, Green Hills, HI-TECH, IAR, Intel C/C++, Microsoft Visual Studio and Wind River.