Latest versions of GNAT Pro, CodePeer, QGen and SPARK Pro released

AdaCore has announced the release of the latest version of its four major products: GNAT Pro 17.1, a development environment for Ada and C; CodePeer 17.1, a deep static analysis tool for Ada that can identify bugs and vulnerabilities; QGen 17.1, a model-based development and verification toolset for Simulink and Stateflow models; and SPARK Pro 17.1, a verification environment that brings mathematics-based assurance to high-integrity software.

The GNAT Pro 17.1 release, based on GCC 6 and GDB 7.10, is said to include improved debugger support under GPS; a better algorithm for Ada elaboration order; enhancements to the GPRbuild multi-language build tool; better integration of GNATtest and GNATcoverage; an implementation of the extended Ravenscar profile on bare metal targets; and support for SMP on leon3. The supplemental GNATcoverage dynamic analysis tool has been upgraded with incremental coverage analysis, improved object code coverage, and support for ARM bare metal and native Windows platforms.

QGen 17.1 includes a model-level debugger, allowing synchronised views and execution control between the model and the generated code. QGen 17.1 also includes support for processor-in-the-loop testing, an enhanced user interface, improved code generation, and the implementation of additional blocks.

CodePeer 17.1 provides improvements in the handling of false alarms, more precise diagnostic messages, and a variety of user interface enhancements. SPARK Pro 17.1 brings improved proof automation and enhanced proof interaction.