Higher capacitance values added to MLCC series
AVX has added new capacitance values to its high CV X5R MLCC series for mobile, medical and digital electronics.

Available in eight chip sizes spanning 01005 to 1812 and rated for 100pF to 100µF, the devices exhibit high volumetric efficiency and low ESR, making them suitable for decoupling and filtering applications.
Comprised of high-K dielectric materials, the MLCCs are rated for operation over a temperature range of -55 to 85°C and exhibit a ±15% temperature coefficient of capacitance.
The series is available in eight chip sizes: 01005, 0201, 0402, 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210, and 1812 and eight voltage options: 4, 6.3, 10, 16, 25, 35, 50 and 100V. Chip sizes 01005, 1210, and 1812 require reflow soldering; all other chips are compatible with both reflow and wave soldering.