Warren East joins high tech innovation catapult

ARM's retiring ceo, Warren East, has become a non executive director of The Connected Digital Economy Catapult (CDEC).

CDEC is one of seven catapult centres being established by the Technology Strategy Board with more than £1billionn of public and private sector investment Its aim is to build platforms and capabilities that help innovators across the UK digital economy innovate and turn great ideas into new business. Neil Crockett, CDEC's chief executive, said: "Warren not only represents the very best of the UK's digital economy leadership but also has first hand experience of taking an innovation led business from start up to global leader – exactly the journey we hope we can help many UK digital innovators make." East added: "It is a pleasure to join CDEC and work with the team there on helping Britain's digital innovators realise their amazing potential in shifting from creative excellence to global leadership."