UK electronics leaders back skills initiative
1 min read
An initiative designed to ensure electronics graduates are better prepared to meet employers' high expectations has been unveiled by the UK Electronic Skills Foundation (UKESF).

Taking place at the University of Surrey, the five day course is being attended by ceos and executives from companies such as ARM, Imagination and C-Mac, as well as electronic engineering students from the UK's leading universities.
The UKESF Summer Workshop has been set up enable scholars to undertake professional development sessions that complement academic learning and meet with ceos and senior executives.
Bill Parsons, executive vice president human resources, ARM said: "The call for new graduates to be able to hit the ground running when they enter the jobs market is one that has been issued by organisations, such as ARM, in virtually all markets and countries. The UK's electronics industry clearly has a vested interested in the matter and it's no surprise that the UK's electronics leaders are here to support these talented scholars. Indeed, it is imperative that companies are able attract the talent they need to drive development of smart systems, such as digital TVs, tablets and other mobile devices."
Indro Mukerjee, chair of UKESF Strategic Advisory Board, chair of Semta's electronics strategy group, and executive chairman, C-MAC MicroTechnology, added: "Electronic engineering is a key enabling technology for economic growth yet we've seen nearly a 50% decline in students entering electronic engineering degrees in just a few years. We're working to reverse this decline, and to ensure graduates are better prepared for the exciting and rewarding careers in our industry."
The five day intensive course was designed - and is being delivered in partnership with - Semta's National Skills Academy for Manufacturing, the IET and industry partners.