UK electronics engineers of the future attend UKESF summer school
1 min read
The UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF) has reported the success of a summer school it established in a bid to help reverse the 47% decline in UK electronics degree students.

The five day course for 16 and 17 year old school students was held at the University of Bristol.
The course is being delivered in partnership with the UKESF affiliated universities and the EDT Headstart programme which runs engineering and science taster courses at universities across the UK.
Yesterday saw the finals of a design and build challenge, where scholars competed to create the best performing two wheeled balancing robot. According to UKESF, the course revealed a depth of talent and enthusiasm within the next generation of electronics engineers.
Students also participated in innovation sessions, brainstorming ideas for future products and attended lectures from leading UK researchers. They also met with inspirational engineers from world leading electronic design companies, including course sponsors ARM, CSR, Dialog Semiconductor and Imagination Technologies.
Dr Wendy Daniell, UKESF manager, said the summer school targets 16 to 17 year old school students who have yet to make their degree choices. "The course highlights advanced electronics technologies," she stated. "It gives an insight into studying the subject at university. It also illustrates the exciting career choice available in the UK and the strength of the industry. Fuelled with inspiration, we hope the majority that attend the course will select electronics degree programmes come September."