Storage units to solve hybrid problems?
1 min read
Hybrid powered cars suffer from an energy storage problem, relying on heavy batteries. However, a research project involvinv three Fraunhofer Institutes, Volkswagen and a number of other companies is aiming to solve this problem by developing high performance energy storage units based on lithium polymer accumulator technology.

The Fraunhofer Institutes for Silicon Technology, Integrated Circuits and Integrated Systems and Device Technology are pooling their expertise in the three year project. “This module has to be able to withstand the harsh environmental conditions it will encounter in a hybrid vehicle and, above all, it must guarantee high operational reliability and a long service life,” said Fraunhofer coordinator Dr Gerold Neumann.
Aiming to use new electrode materials that are ‘kinder to the environment’, the researchers will also be exploring new ways to store large amounts of energy in a small space. To do this, they envisage integrating mechanical and electrical components in a module, with systems for temperature control, performance data registration and high voltage safety.
Development of module is expected to be finished by mid 2010, after which field trials will be carried out by Volkswagen.