SiLabs launches first single chip hybrid tv receiver
1 min read
Silicon Labs has introduced what it claims to be the industry's first single chip hybrid tv receiver range.

The mixed signal and analogue specialist says the devices are designed to simplify the design of tvs, set top boxes, Blu-ray recorders and pc accessories.
The range includes the Si2185 hybrid receiver which combines a digital/analogue tv tuner, a multistandard analogue demodulator and DVB-T and DVB-C demodulators. The receiver family also includes the Si2115/13/11 digital only receivers designed for DVB-T and DVB-C digital set top boxes offering terrestrial and cable reception.
According to SiLabs, the Si2185/15/13/11 receivers enable developers to eliminate numerous external components such as SAW filters, tracking filter inductors, wirewound inductors and low noise amplifiers. The company claims that the series can enable total system savings of up to 75% compared to two chip solutions.
SiLabs adds that superior rf performance can be attained due to its architecture which provides an optimised signal path from the rf antenna input to the demodulated digital or analogue baseband output. The single chip design is also said to eliminate the sensitive intermediate frequency pcb traces used to connect a tuner to a separate demodulator. This, says SiLabs, reduces the likelihood of system noise interference and degraded performance. Because of the receivers' 4dB noise figure, tvs are able to receive weak rf signals, enabling viewers to receive more channels.
"Silicon Labs' new tv receiver family represents a significant technical achievement in the broadcast video industry," said James Stansberry, general manager of Silicon Labs' broadcast video products. "We've broken new ground in rf integration by demonstrating the ability to combine a silicon TV tuner with analogue and digital tv demodulators into a single chip receiver solution that enhances system performance and simplifies tv and set top box designs."
Samples and production quantities of the receivers are available now.