Researchers develop way to attach solar cells directly to asics

1 min read

While sensor networks are becoming more popular, debate still continues as to the best way to power them. Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS have developed a solution based on IP developed by Solchip.

"We use special process steps to place a mini solar cell straight on sensor modules' asics," said Dr Andreas Goehlich, who heads the project for Fraunhofer IMS. "The structures of asics are extremely sensitive, which makes subsequent processing extremely tricky," Dr Goehlich continued. "That's why we use a specially developed 'soft' processing technology that has already proved itself on a variety of different asics." Although other energy sources are available, Dr Goehlich believes that solar cells have a few advantages. "Light is almost always available over long periods of time. What's more, it is not subject to such great fluctuations in supply as other resources." Development work is currently focusing primarily on agricultural applications. For instance, wireless, energy autonomous sensor networks – known as smart dust – could be distributed over large areas of farmland. Dr Goehlich says: "You can picture it as simply scattering the sensor nodes over the field." These sensors would measure details such as the moisture in the soil or the level of sunlight and relay the data to a central interface. The farmer could then use the measurements to regulate the amount of watering or even to predict the expected crop yield.