Radical approach brings ‘breakthrough’ in optical communications
1 min read
Academics from the University of Southampton's Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) have collaborated with Eblana Photonics to develop an approach that enables advanced modulation format signals to be generated by the modulation of laser currents.

The research, published in Nature Communications, explores a new approach to the generation of the spectrally efficient advanced modulation format signals required in modern optical communication systems.
Whilst direct current modulated lasers are widely used in optical communications and telecommunications, as well as in sensor and high power fibre laser systems, their inability to accurately control the full optical field emitted directly from such lasers is said to have limited the applications.
The new technology, patented by the University and licensed to Eblana, is said to avoid the need for the costly and power inefficient external modulator schemes that are currently used to generate such signals.
Dr Radan Slavik, principal research fellow at ORC, said: "The capability we have demonstrated will be of relevance and could be of significant impact within many scientific and engineering communities that are directly concerned with or exploit laser radiation.
"We have previously presented some of the results included in this paper at conferences and at an international symposium and this has already generated a lot of interest from senior academics in our community, as well as from leading industrial players."
Eblana's sales director Dr Rob Lennox said: "We are very pleased to have collaborated on this innovative development work by ORC and are looking towards making this new approach a commercial reality."