Program looks to improve embedded system behaviour

1 min read

A research program being launched by IMEC will examine methods to optimally exploit the flexibility offered by modern hardware platforms and networks.

The program's goal is to create a run time resource manager that addresses dynamically changing conditions and makes a trade off between such variables as processing availability and type, communication bandwidth and power consumption, while meeting the required quality of service. According to the Belgian research institute, modern platforms and networks offer the features needed to implement more dynamic behaviour. In a distributed setting, the number and variety of available processing elements is larger, offering more flexibility to select processing resources for executing software, not only at design time, but also at run time. IMEC says today's embedded systems operate under increasingly dynamic conditions and have to support unpredictable interaction with users or with the environment. Although engineers can use the 'worst case' system design approach – taking unpredictability into account upfront – this can result in over design, higher costs and longer time to market. In addition, networked embedded systems have to deal with the unpredictability of distributed systems, further increasing the design challenges.