Premier Farnell unveils 45,000 free CAD models for pcb designers

1 min read

Premier Farnell has launched more than 45,000 CAD model files for use by electronics designers, supporting products from many leading electronic component and semiconductor suppliers.

Used alongside pcb design tools, the electronic components distributor says the models help designers to quickly and accurately establish pcb designs. The CAD models can be downloaded for free to use the symbols and footprints in the EAGLE PCB design software when creating board level schematics and pcb physical design layouts. According to Premier, with the recently announced EAGLE v6.0, the availability of more than 45,000 3D and CAD models, significantly extends the utility of the design software. The company also offers the Ultra Librarian CAD model authoring software which has been developed to allow pcb designers to quickly create custom models. "Providing online access to this rich library of CAD models is just one part of our strategy to support design engineers in every step of the design flow," said David Shen, group svp and global head of Technical Marketing at Premier Farnell. "On its own, it already provides incredible value to pcb design engineers with this easy to use resource, but the real value comes from the seamless integration with pcb design software, CAD model authoring software and quick turn pcb prototyping services. This joined up solution and global reach drives massive design flow efficiencies for our customers."