One molecule generates RGB for use in OLED displays

Researchers from Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico say they have developed a molecule capable of producing the three colours necessary for displaying images on OLED displays.

Dr Jorge Guillermo Dominguez Chãivez, a researcher at the university's Faculty of Bioanalysis, says the molecule – which he calls a multicromoforico – should contribute to the development of new OLED based devices, such as the flexible displays, and extend their time of operation through lower energy consumption. Synthesis of a multicromoforica molecule could result in a diode capable of emitting the entire colour spectrum, he noted. "To obtain an RGB diode, you needed to synthesise a different compound for each colour. We used a single molecule capable of modifying its colour through the addition of cromoforicas – small molecules that bind to the main system through supramolecular interactions."