Microchip launches integrated mcu development framework

1 min read

A downloadable framework has been developed by Microchip to integrate the licensing, resale and support of both Microchip and third party middleware, drivers, libraries and real time operating systems. Called MPLAB Harmony, the facility currently includes offerings from Express Logic, FreeRTOS, InterNiche, Wittenstein High Integrity Systems and wolfSSL. More products will be added shortly.

According to Microchip, Harmony will enable developers to simplify the PIC32 mcu code development process by reducing common integration bugs, thus accelerating time to market. With software development accounting for 60% of the average design cycle, Microchip believes Harmony will reduces development time and costs by providing a single source for Microchip tested, debugged and interoperable code. Preverification and integration will not only speed development, says the company, it will also increase reuse. "MPLAB Harmony provides a new software development approach that is unmatched in the embedded industry," said Rod Drake, director of Microchip's MCU32 Division. "No one else provides a single, comprehensive firmware development framework where designers can download and find support for such a broad range of pretested, interoperable software." The first release of Harmony provides support for the PIC32MZ family, as well as the PIC32MX families. Full support for all PIC32 families is planned for the next version release, planned for March 2014.