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Libelium unveils top 50 internet of things applications

Wireless sensor networks platform provider Libelium has published a top 50 applications list showing how the internet of things could become the next technological revolution.

'50 Sensor Applications for a Smarter World. Get Inspired!' covers what the company believes will be the most disruptive developments, from home automation to industrial control. Libelium's ceo Alicia Asín said: "Now we are able to collect data everywhere from our environment, infrastructures, businesses and even ourselves, and this huge amount of information is generating a new ecosystem of business opportunities around its storage, analysis and accessibility." The list includes scenarios like smart cities, where sensors offer services such as help finding free parking spots in the streets, or managing luminosity in street lights to save energy. Asín added: "We want this document to inspire people and companies with all the opportunities around the internet of things era."