IBM, Xilinx partner to speed FPGA based application development

In a move intended to make FPGA based application development faster and more accessible, IBM and Xilinx are collaborating on a cloud based approach. The partnership will see Xilinx’ SDAccel development environment hosted by IBM’s SuperVessel cloud service

SuperVessel is said by IBM to act as a virtual R&D engine for application developers, system designers and academic researchers, allowing them to create, test and pilot solutions for a range of emerging applications. SDAccel, meanwhile, allows application developers to describe their algorithms in OpenCL, C, and C++ , then compile them directly to acceleration boards featuring Xilinx FPGAs.

“SDAccel in the SuperVessel cloud is an important vehicle enabling developers to easily develop and accelerate applications using FPGAs,” said Sumit Gupta, vice president, High Performance Computing & Data Analytics at IBM.

“Availability of SDAccel in SuperVessel … will provide a compelling solution for those seeking to accelerate emerging data centre applications,” said Andy Walsh, senior director of Xilinx’ data centre business at Xilinx.