IAR launches rtos and middleware partners programme

With growing use of 32bit architectures and the development of more complex embedded systems, there is an increased demand for rtos' and middleware. Responding, IAR Systems has launch an RTOS and Middleware Partner Programme for IAR Embedded Workbench. According to the company, the program will provide a broad and comprehensive ecosystem of development tools for rtos and middleware products, all integrated with IAR Embedded Workbench.

Stefan Skarin, IAR's ceo, said: "We recognise that embedded developers appreciate when software solutions have been preintegrated and fully tested. We don't think 'one solution fits all', so we are working closely with our partners to ensure a high level of technical integration into IAR Embedded Workbench. By our combined efforts, we are aiding development efficiency and this leads to reduced development time and costs. Integrated rtos' and middleware will be available in the distribution of IAR Embedded Workbench and IAR KickStart Kits." The programme will provide and support a range of rtos' and middleware that is integrated with IAR Embedded Workbench. Companies involved so far include CMX, eForce, Express Logic, FreeRTOS, Micrium, Micro Digital, Quadros, Sciopta, SEGGER and Wittenstein. New partners may be added in the future.