Grab the opportunities, says ELC

1 min read

The Electronic Leadership Council’s Annual Report claims UK electronics has a ‘potentially bright future’, but notes that it is crucial that the industry as a whole takes advantage of the opportunities that are being presented.

ELC chairman Harry Tee, pictured, said: “A key area for action is in the development of the skills that will enable our industry to prosper in the future and I think it is important, for example, that companies support the SETNET Ambassadors scheme through which young engineers go into schools to talk to students. “All young people know about MP3/4 players, games consoles and mobile phones, but few have any idea how they function. Technology of this sort can excite young people if presented in an interesting and enthusiastic manner by someone that they can relate to, and a career in electronics will thus appear as a highly relevant and exciting choice. “With off shoring likely to continue for many years as global markets push down prices on products that are becoming increasingly commoditised, our ability to develop new skills and attract the best talent has never been more important. “In the future, UK companies must succeed by developing and exploiting Intellectual Property rather than competing on production costs. The labour market of the future is therefore likely to be very different to that of the past and will be crucial for the long term success of UK electronics.” To download a copy of the report, go the the ELC website using the link on this page.